Dr Riccardo Vecellio Segate
Dr Riccardo VECELLIO SEGATE is an international legal researcher and policy advisor specialised in complex law & technology problems and transnational disputes, with a focus on the EU, China, and India. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Engineering (Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science) and a fixed-term Lecturer in the School of Law at the University of Dundee.
Riccardo holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Macau, where he was awarded the highest university-wide doctoral honour within the Talent Program. He also holds inter alia a Master of Laws in Public International Law from Utrecht University, a Postgraduate Diploma in European and Global Governance from the University of Bristol, and three Diplomas in European Affairs, Development Cooperation, and Humanitarian Intervention from ISPI Milan. He has held visiting research positions at Tsinghua Law School (2019), the University of Hong Kong’s Law & Technology Centre (2020, deferred), the UC Berkeley Center for Law & Technology (2022), as well as the University of Milan’s Information Society Law Center (2022).
Dr VECELLIO SEGATE has published more than 30 scholarly works for world-leading European and American publishers, including single-authored research articles for SSCI, ESCI, and Scopus-indexed journals. These works have been cited widely around the world, including by the National Assembly of South Korea and the Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court. Furthermore, he has drafted extensive commentaries to some of the most controversial cases before Hong Kong SAR’s last-instance court (Court of Final Appeal) for the International Law in Domestic Courts series published by Oxford University Press.
Riccardo is a member of the International Advisory Board of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (Springer), and the former Executive Editor and Secretary of the Utrecht Journal of International and European Law (Ubiquity Press). He has also served as an ad-hoc peer-reviewer for such renowned journals as the Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property (Elgar), the International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice (Elsevier), AI & Ethics (Springer), as well as Energy Research and Social Science (Elsevier). In November 2019, he has been awarded the Young Scholar Prize at the “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Algorithms: Regulation, Governance, Markets” Conference, organized by Kyushu University’s Faculty of Law in Fukuoka (Japan).
Dr VECELLIO SEGATE has trained at the European Commission as a “Blue Book” stagiaire at the Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content, and Technology, served as a Research Assistant at Qatar University, and worked as a legal consultant in Trade Secrets at Rouse, a tier-one IP firm in Shanghai. He has also worked for EXPO2015 (Field Force Team) and entered the start-up business with a Forbes-ranked company incubated at Bocconi Business School. Upon invitation by learned societies around the globe, he has delivered or chaired more than 120 academic talks at universities, international organisations, and think-tanks all throughout Europe, North America, and (South-)East Asia.