Dr Oles Andriychuk
Dr Oles Andriychuk, Senior Lecturer in Competition and Internet Law, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Co-Director, Strathclyde Centre for Internet Law and Policy (SCILP), Member, Strathclyde Centre for Antitrust Law and Empirical Study (SCALES).
Oles’s main research is focused on the philosophical aspects of European competition law, exploring the phenomena of economic freedom and competition from the perspective of legal, political and moral philosophy, and competition law and the digital economy. He has also published articles in the field of legal theory, EU law, media law and the theory of adjudication.
He is currently working on several projects aiming to re-conceptualise the methodological foundations of EU competition law, economics and policy in light of the recent challenges and opportunities brought by the digital economy. His main normative focus is placed on re-shaping the functioning of the competitive process to the benefits of EU digital markets, businesses and users.